RSPB Frampton Marsh – Lincolnshire – 3rd September 2019
I think I visited Frampton Marsh on a ‘quiet’ day. There were birds about but not in any large numbers apart from flocks of Starlings. However that did not diminish my enjoyment of the visit.
It was a warm day with light cloud and a strong breeze. Just the walk is pleasant, add the opportunity of spotting birds and insects, you have the perfect day.
On the 1st part of the walk I encountered many dragonflies and a very quick glimpse of a warbler (not sure which). Followed by a family of Goldfinches moving from bush to bush. In the distance Gulls and Starlings following a tractor ploughing. Out of the corner of an eye I catch movement! A Kestrel flying over. I move on towards the East Hide. Most of the birds were some distance off making photography difficult, but a pleasure to sit and watch them. On one of the scrapes was a collection of Little Egrets and Spoonbills (a 1st for me). In addition Godwits and other waders, Little Grebes also.
I return to the Wash Trail and walk along the dyke. From the high vantage point you can spot bird from a long way off. In the Salt Marshes were Little Egrets, Gulls and Geese. Closer were groups of Yellow Wagtails and Pied wagtails with Sand Martins darting about overhead, sometimes very close. ( I managed to get a few shots !).
I left the Wash Trail and followed the road back towards the Visitor Centre. The pools that sit either side of the road had waders and water fowl in them. I managed to get some good shots of 2 Common Snipe, Redshank and Godwits.
Sadly no Peregrines or Marsh Harriers today but “I will be back!”