by Paul | Apr 17, 2020 | Birds, Days Out, Dungeness, Nature Reserves, RSPB
Following on from my Visit to Dungeness Beach area I moved on to Dungeness Rspb Reserve. In the morning of the next day I visited Rye Harbour Nature Reserve. RSPB Dungeness Marsh Harrier Rye harbour...
by Paul | Apr 16, 2020 | Birds, Countryside walking, Days Out, Place, Walks
Looking west towards Clipston area HARRINGTON AIRFIELD Harrington airfield, known as Station 179 during WW2, was built by the 826th and 852nd Engineer Battalions of the US Army as a Class A airfield intended for heavy bomber use, the main runway length being...
by Paul | Mar 27, 2020 | Birds, Days Out, Mammals, Photograph, Summer Leys, Walks
1st Chiffchaf photo of 2020 at Summer Leys Nature Reserve The chiffchaff is a bird of woodland, scrub, parks and gardens. It sings its name out loud in a simple ‘chiff chaff chiff chaff’ song, which it performs from the tree canopy. Some chiffchaffs stay...
by Paul | Mar 20, 2020 | Birds, Days Out, Place, Ravensthorpe Reservoir
“UK PM Johnson: Everyone should now avoid social contact with others” Is the day that I decided to keep myself away from potential sources of the Corvid-19 Virus. Whether I shall be successful will been obvious later in the year. So no cafes and pubs in...
by Paul | Feb 8, 2020 | Aircraft, Birds, Moon and Stars, Photograph, Walks
A Waxing Gibbious Moon 6th February 2020 A bitty week with jus a few small trips this week visiting Ravensthorpe Reservoir, Stortons Gravel Pits area and Summer Leys nature reserve. Weather was mixed but mostly sunny but cold winds. One or two nice sunsets and misty...
by Paul | Jan 25, 2020 | Birds, Days Out, Photograph, Walks
A Robin at Stortons Gravel Pits January 2020 is almost over, it has been wet almost the whole month and has left lakes and rivers bursting and dangerously full. Trips out have been hampered by the poor light and water logged walkways. Ravensthorpe for example is...